Moving & Handling Training
Training is tailored to the specific areas of workplace where handling and movement tasks are required.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 & Amendments;
Risk assessment; 24 hour Back care; Principles of ergonomics;
Approved methods for safe handling and obsolete and unsafe handling methods;
Fitness for Life. Course includes practical demonstration and participation to practice safe methods of handling techniques.
One Year Certificate issued to all courses.
Movement of People
suitable for Education & Care Industry including hospitals, Midwives; Patient Transport, Carers at home, Special Education, Schools, Nurseries, Therapists.
Moving & Handling People Care Courses
Half Day Course - Theory & Practical ( Hoists included if required )
2 Hour Refresher Course – Annual Update of knowledge and skills
One Day Clinical Course - People Care / includes use of hoists
Movement of Objects
suitable for Office, Warehouse, Maintenance, Garden Centres, Garages, Hotel & Construction Industry
Load management Course
3 hour Load Management Theory & Practical Application of Moving and Handling Objects and Loads.
Timings to suit you.
In-house Training allows for the use of trainees own workplace situations to be used during the training session.
First Response will bring Moving and Handling equipment to your course
All courses receive an end of course report with the certificates
Employers will be required to show a copy of their in-house Moving & Handling Policy on booking the training.
Employees are required to wear suitable clothing and footwear for the course.
Equipment used in the workplace to be available during the course.