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First Response Learning & Qualsafe Awards Ofqual Level 3

6 Hour Paediatric Course


This course is for Child care personnel working with children of 5 years and above; afterschool clubs; parents; grandparents; carers; summer school and childrens clubs or classes.


No prior learning or experience required for this course.



Experienced professional tutors with an active professional interest in First Aid training who are constantly updating their skills and knowledge to keep abreast of current best practice. 

Timings are 6 hours training time plus an hour for breaks and can be adjusted to the inhouse clients needs over one, 2  or  3 days.  Scheduled courses are one day. 



Unit 1 – Emergency Paediatric First Aid

0900–0915 Assembly and introductions


0915–1015 Role and responsibilities of paediatric first aider: Role, responsibilities, definition of an infant and a child, infection control, consent, completing accident forms/reports, first aid and personal protection equipment


1015–1045 Incident and casualty assessment: Scene survey, primary survey, calling for help/information needed


1045–1100 Break


1100–1245 CPR: An infant and a child who is unresponsive and not breathing normally ; Child & Baby CPR- PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT


1245–1315 Lunch


1315–1345 Unconscious casualty: An infant and a child who is breathing normally: Recovery position; Management of a seizures - PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT


1345–1410 Choking casualty: Recognition and treatment; CHOKING CASUALTY - PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT


1410–1430 Anaphylaxis: Recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis


1430–1445 Shock: Recognition and treatment of shock in an infant and a child


1445–1455 Break


1455–1550 External Wounds &  bleeding: Types and treatment of bleeding; Paediatric Wounds, Bleeding and Shock-  PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT


1550–1620 Multiple choice question paper/written assessment


1620–1630 Course evaluation and closure



Interactive hands on practical training with multi media for conditions and illnesses

CPR training manikins adult, child & baby sized

Easy to follow individual course booklet and wallet CPR Card

A Recognised certificate valid for 3 years; Record of Achievement; Wallet Certificate; First Response Learning CPR CARD & First Aid book.



Course fees please free phone 0800 999 0100.



To renew please book another 6 Hour Paediatric course within 3 year period of your certification phone 0800 999 0100. 




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